About Us
Al Karama Co. provides the engineering services in the field of testing, engineering con- sultancy and studies, planning and design, projects management and supervision, and providing the necessary employees, equipments and supplies.
Al Karama lab. provides all laboratory tests for the various construction, electrical and mechanical works, field tests of soil and survey works through a competent technical staff and sophisticated equipment.
The lab. has the ability to open a full field laboratories in any location to accom- plish all kinds of tests and for any projects.
The lab. provides all engineering consultants, like civil, architectural, electrical, mechanical, air conditioning and refrigeration, health works, computer and internet systems, cameras and fire systems.
The lab. can start training courses in all engineering specialties and data processing for all levels.
The lab. provides consultants for industrial and government institutions to obtain ISO quality ticertification requirements.

The lab. vision for the engineering tests
We look at the priority and the urgent need to find more than a specialized hand in the field of examination and evaluation of different materials to help the constructional move- ment in Iraq, we were established as one of the main lab. accredited in the field of engi-neering tests and certified by the Central Orga-nization for Standardization and Quality Con-trol (COSQC) as the first lab. in Iraq with certifi- cate (ISO 17025).
There are a specialized teams of engineers technicians with a good experience in the field of examination and evaluation of materi- als, this experience came s from their work in the lab. and institutions specialized in this field.